Jorge A is an innovator, researching and giving training in 3d printing and a circular economy. Jorge`s latest step is to go into R & D for his 3d printing of walls, and houses. A cooperation with an Indian university is in the making. Jorge starts to give training in 3d printing techniques from February 2022 onwards.
3d printing of doors, and table tops with recycled plastic waste collected at the beach is an ongoing project. In future, rural youth could recycle the plastic in their bioregion, after training at Minvayu, Jorges organisation. Jorge has trained mechanics, young entrepreneurs and local youth in a variety of training programs.
Jorge has been developing and set up wind turbines as well.
Jorge works in open source format. He would like to support the “circular economy” with his research and training work.
Jorge is the founder of Minvayu, an Auroville unit working under the CSR trust, Centre for Scientific Research.
See Jorge A profile

Jorges projects strive to empower local people in rural areas and has actively provided training to them to learn about ways to use technology to benefit people.
In an effort to abate the ever rising pollution, Minvayu organizes a weekly trash collecting run in which Aurovilians, locals and volunteers come together and collect trash from the local beaches.
The gathered waste is then recycled and used as a material for 3d printing of doors and table tops!